Do We REALLY Understand The Dangers of Propaganda?
One of the most popular "stock" definitions of propaganda goes something like this. Propaganda is influence or persuasion on a mass scale and it can be used for good or bad purposes. Both sides use it, nothing to see here folks. A common example of this would be a public relations campaign created to help people stop smoking and another created just as easily to encourage the populace to start smoking. Propaganda is nothing but a benign technique or tool. A hammer can be used to bludgeon someone just as easily as it can be used to drive nails, please don't blame the tool or so the narrative goes.
But let's just for the moment look more closely at a common technique used in public relations called the front group where corporations are allowed to covertly fund an organization that appears neutral or unbiased. And let's say this organization creates reports and interviews with doctors about the safety of smoking and/or spends lots of cash debunking others who might signal otherwise . Let's also imagine that these corporations already have a good hunch that smoking is likely to cause long term health issues.
This arrangement allows the corporation to encourage smoking behavior via a third party in order to sell more cigarettes lining their pockets regardless of any adverse health impacts on future smokers.
We can easily see a number of issues arising...
Issue #1
You can be influenced without being aware of the source of that influence
Issue #2
You can be influenced against your own best interests.
Issue #3
The forces around you have millions even billions to spend on influencing you.
How bad is the front group or third party technique problem? Frederick Lumley, wrote about the extensive use of this technique in his book The Propaganda Menace, way back in 1933. Today, billions continue to be poured into this method of influence annually. Because quite simply, it works.
In a very real sense, we are surrounded by front groups. Just yesterday I was watching a fragment of local TV news. [One can only tolerate so much] The local "reporter" was speaking about the high price of gas in Arizona as compared to other states. Next, they quoted from an individual representing, Consumer Energy Alliance, who said in so many words, Get over it, the prices are going to remain high. I jumped on the computer.
After a very short search...
Consumer Energy Alliance, a "grassroots" organization supported by such prominent tar sands producers as BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Marathon, Shell and Norway's Statoil. The group claims to be providing "a voice for consumers interested in vital public issues."
So much for unbiased news sources
Let's Make Changes
So let's say we could outlaw front groups. How about if we could make public relations illegal?
Do we still have a problem with propaganda? The answer is YES!
In fact we have a more insidious problem, much harder to grasp and yet more powerful by orders of magnitude.
I'll be willing to admit, that even the term "propaganda" isn't adequate.
It's an unholy trinity comprising corporate and banking interests, captured politicians; willing to do their masters bidding living lavish lifestyles and the news media complex including Hollywood, the major publishing houses, magazines, TV and radio. Functioning as prostitutes for the corporate and banking interests they define the world's problems and to craft public opinion in ways that serve to consolidate power, resources and wealth back to the corporations and bankers.
This unholy trinity, making a mockery of the public good, is flush with money for the purposes of highlighting critical issues, arranging the authorities you listen to and showcasing the experiences that impact you the most, while making sure that REAL issues get pushed into the background or completely scrubbed from the public consciousness.
The most incredible tool created for influencing modern man needs three things; tons of money-- from the corporations/bankers; the power of a sacred trust--the news, and the power inherent in governing--the politicians. With a gentleman's handshake between them and a wink of the eye, they've been hard at work destroying democracy since the early 1900's, and I can prove it to you.
Since it took me writing approximately 250 pages to try to make that case, I don't expect you to just take my word for it now. The book One Idea To Rule Them All spells it out for you.
In summary, I want to make a few things very clear...
Properly speaking, what you and I and do to spread disinformation is pitiful compared with this power. We simply lack the finances and the power centers. Sure we could be social influencers and spread a cheery bit of “wrong think” here and there but as is so often the case, the little guy's voice is drown by the giants manipulating public opinion.
The unholy trinity is an interlock that works together for their benefit, in a clandestine way and against our interests....always. My preferred term is idea syndicate or Operation Sheepskin.
The "stock" definition of propaganda is mere smokescreen hiding the real mechanisms and alliances that will need to be exposed, decoupled and revitalized for a new world to emerge.
And finally, they are really glad you don't understand just how easy it is to rearrange the scenery of your world to influence your behavior. They use natural shortcuts to forming settled beliefs which are incredibly adaptive, useful and safe in tightly knit communities of integrity. I call this the Infrastructure of Belief. In disconnected modern technological societies that lack integrity... watch out, we'll be the losers every time.
Do we REALLY understand the dangers of propaganda?
Networks of powerful and wealthy people manipulating public opinion in a clandestine way to consolidate power, resources and wealth.
If you don't want to call this propaganda, you have no argument from me, but we better find a name for it, teach our children about it and start working like mad to expose it to the general public.