War has been a money making propostion for a long time. Listen to this article from The Arena magazine in 1898
Can we define out enemies simply and accurately? Read what B. O Flowers, editorial dean of democracy, wrote about the enemies of the republic way back in June 1898. The more things change the more things stay the same
I Hate to Be The One to Break the News:
Free-Speech is a non-issue because we haven't had "equal-speech" in over one hundred years.
Laying The Axe To The Root!
The Monopoly Tree- Should you focus your time on the fruits or the roots of Tyranny?
Propaganda...The Most Important Issue Before Us?
Propaganda…the most pressing issue? Or shall we continue to allow the young to be seduced and deceived by the masters of propaganda?
Have We Passed the Point at Which the Volume of Propaganda has Destroyed a Constitutional Republic That Can Only Thrive on Truth?
Have we passed the point at which the volume of propaganda has destroyed a constitutional republic that can only thrive on truth?
The Great American Propaganda Quiz Results-Part Two:Crozier (1911) Versus Propaganopoly
Crozier tried to warn Americans in 1911 about the lurking danger at hand- a coming money trust. He went up against a well financed propaganda campaign so sophisticated you won't believe it. Understand these tactics and you will know how far we have come since then.
The Great American Propaganda Quiz Results-Part One
The Great American Propaganda Quiz Results-I Didn’t Think I Would Find This!
The Great American Propaganda Quiz-Will You Help?
Smartsheepe is sponsoring a quiz to learn more about how American’s perceive American propaganda. Will hyou help? It takes just 2-5 minutes of your time?
Would You Recognize An Infiltrator?
Think of the informational landscape like a vast ideological war zone. Sitting in their mission control tower, our enemies can see all the rising movements of truth whose ideas, like kryptonite, can destroy their web of lies and illusions.
70% Think The Country Is Going In The Wrong Direction
The kakistocracy might be one of the prime reasons why 70% of Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction- Find out who they are and what they represent.
The Idol That Degrades Institutions And Devours The Rest of Us
The idol that degrades institutions and devours the rest of us. Do I dare criticize our one-time cultural god turned idol?
How to Defeat An Organized Movement of Sheepe
How To Defeat An Organized Movement of Sheep: The criminal network that operates behind the veil of a democracy has a well-worn playbook on how to discredit any movement that threatens their monopoly on power, resources and wealth. The strike and J6 protesters both got the textbook treatment. It’s time we learn our lessons!
Termites and Spiders and Wolves-Oh My!
Tyrannical entities never willingly give up dominance over their prey. Let’s think more about this….