Laying The Axe To The Root!

Perhaps others have felt this way? ...that barely subterranean sense of overwhelm as a new batch of  "vital" interviews, podcasts and substacks clamor for your attention and consumption at the start of the day. With many new faces added to the freedom movement, keeping up gets harder all the time.  The issues are diverse and complicated. Where SHOULD we spend our precious time and energy?

In an attempt to answer this question, I created an initial chicken scratch of the Monopoly Tree which Louis, the new designer at Smart Sheepe deftly brought to life in the image below.

The misshapen Monopoly Tree is loaded with "fruits," those things coming down the pike threatening what's left of liberty and freedom in the West. The tasks seem overwhelming and let's admit it, at times discouraging. Which targets warrant the most pushback? Which will be be ignored for lack of manpower, energy, hours in the day? Let's be honest, our numbers, while growing... are still relatively small.

Resistance movements have emerged to counter various "fruits," and that's good news, but let's not fool ourselves into thinking that real systemic change can take place without addressing the power and control that massive global monopolies have achieved.

We all know fruits grow from roots. I ask you for a brief moment, to examine the roots of the tree.

Want to pluck the CBDC "fruit?" The concept is likely to emerge somewhere else slightly modified and renamed. The energy and power that gave rise to the concept in the first place remains unscathed.  If we are able to stop 15 minutes cities in Tucson, energy will be directly elsewhere toward a weaker subsection of society and once adopted, the whole concept becomes much more difficult to stop, like a freight train picking up speed.  Do I sound fatalistic? I hope not because that's not my intention.

The Monopoly Tree graphic is being offered as food for thought and to serve as a catalyst to examine how we spending our time and for brainstorming ways to bring awareness to the roots or real problems driving the corruption all around us. No doubt, not everyone will agree with the monopolies chosen as there is room for debate. In the governance section I would include things like intelligence and the military.

Let's just take one area, the medical field, a sector which I've had direct experience for the past 30 years. The corporate take over of the healthcare has been disastrous. The number one goal of "healthcare" is now financial renumeration, not patient care. It is being gutted from the inside-out with high patient to staff ratios, poor working conditions, reduced ability to communicate across disciplines, 10 minute doctor visits and much much more, just ask any healthcare professional. 

Call me crazy but maybe the monopolization of institutions initially pledged to sacred priorities, like health, should be excluded from the pure pursuit of money. (See my article on the idol that degrades institutions) Parallel institutions are great except the majority have money locked in the old system.

What will become of us when every institution has been so cannibalized? Are we there yet?

I won't be holding my breath either waiting for the presidential candidates to address root problems in anything other than the most superficial way. The parties allow cosmetic changes ONLY. One fruit plucked here, another fruit picked over there. Aren’t things starting to look better?

And yet we continue to accelerate madly toward the cliff ahead, no matter who is in charge.

It's my goal for Smart Sheepe in this coming year, to focus on the contamination of the marketplace of ideas by the roots of propaganda, the MSM and the university system at every turn. 

This is the monopoly of monopolies!  Without the bewitching power of propaganda to deceive, the rest of the corrupt roots are more easily dug up and examined.

The powers the be understand and fear the power of words. Can they stop us from talking to each other?  Not yet anyway. This is the linchpin, the one root we can expose that holds the keys to all the others. Once the curtain back is pulled back on the wizard of OZ, thoughts about the world become unstuck. Possibilities emerge. Potentials arise.

In 1934, a professor of propaganda saw into the future,

At first glance, it might seem that the far-flung electrical circuits had established a world-wide functional organism, comparable to the nervous system or arterial system of the human body, and that the existence of a controlling intelligence similar to the human brain would become almost inevitable.

-O. W. Riegel, Mobilizing for Chaos: The Story of the New Propaganda 1934

The ability to dictate public opinion worldwide sure sounds like a controlling intelligence to me.

Let's go after the controlling intelligence... and lay the axe to the root this year or at the very least take a hefty wack at it.

Perhaps you can help in this endeavor?

One of the most important things to be done to protect freedom is to make sure your children are protected from malign and hidden influences affecting and altering their views of reality.

Will you protect them or leave them to fend for themselves in a growing house of mirrors? 

Companion study guides (Bound printed versions) to One Idea to Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda are now available at Amazon.

Pick up a copy of the study guide and take a journey through history with your kids. I guarantee you, you'll learn as much or more than they do and you will be doing your part as well to "lay the axe to the root."


Thanks to all the new Smart Sheepe subscribers from the states and abroad- the family is growing.

As noted Louis Duncan a highly talented designer, who originally hails from Great Britain has being added to the team, expect to see many more pieces of sharable content coming down the pike. By the way feel free to share this one as well.


I Hate to Be The One to Break the News:


Propaganda...The Most Important Issue Before Us?