Termites and Spiders and Wolves-Oh My!

In my book, One Idea to Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda, I try to expose how the wolves, using deceit and the inflitration of “Trusts,” have usurpted control over the people of the United States—a soft tyranny.

I also recently posted on the "Spider Web of Wall Street,” an expose on the interconnectedness of the major banking houses and the corporations in 1933, as portrayed by Senator Norris of Nebraska, that is eerily similar to the current structure of the Transnational Capitalist Class that exerts unseen global control.

Wolves, spiders and now… termites?

Termites and Spiders and Wolves…OH, MY!

Well—yes. Nothing like a metaphor to spark insights and illuminate the challenges facing us.

Tyrannical entities never willingly give up dominance over their prey. Though I respect Peter Phillips and highly recommend his book Giants: The Global Power Elite, I laughed out loud at the letter penned in the post script of the book.

Addressed to the global elite and signed by more than a few academics, they declared in part;

It is no longer acceptable for you to believe that you can manage capitalism to grow its way out of the gross inequalities we all now face…Humanity needs you to step up and insure that trickle-down becomes a river of resources that reaches every child, every family, and all human beings We urge you to use your power and make the needed changes for humanity’s survival.

Let me paraphrase…

Dear Mr. Wolf,

We would like you to be nicer and more thoughtful. How about it?


The Sheepe

Obviously, the abused wife, is not likely to be successful making suggestions to her tyrannical husband on how his behavior could improve. Indeed, he is likely to double down on the abuse, just to prove the point of his dominance.

As Catherine Austin Fitts is fond of saying, “Someone will have to step up and deal with the Beck Brothers,” a reference to the lawless bandits on Yellowstone.

What she means is that any and all tyrannies must be met with force eventually, not, well meaning requests to be nicer. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

As Josef Pieper so aptly put it in his book, Abuse of Language, Abuse of Power, the headwaters of tyranny is always the misuse of language targeted at a person, who is considered, nothing more than an object to be manipulated, in accordance with the speaker’s own ends.

Essentially there are two types of tyranny; readily observable overt power over others, arrived at chiefly through force, violence or threats of harm that quite clearly represent the domination of another’s will. In this senario, language aids and abets the physical beat down with a chrushing of the will, through mockery, scorn, ridicule, scapegoating, demonizing, castigating, and demeaning names, etc.

The totalitarianism of the Nazis and the Soviets is evident to all and Americans instinctively rebel against this type of imposition. We are not so smart, however, when tyranny wears a mask.

Covert tyranny belongs in the genre of the con-artist; a beguiling art whose victims must be induced to trust so that the domination of the will is accepted willingly, and more over, is not even recognized as such. Bewitched into believing they act in accordance with their own interests or in kindness toward others; they are bent to the will of an beneficent shepherd leading them to safety. It is quite certain that once we the sheep have been captured and cornered, the mask of beneficence will be thrown off.

Language is preeminent in soft tyranny; the force that binds and holds via mental chains, if you will.

The hidden devils in the midst of a democracy go unseen, eating their way through the valuable “Trusts” in an integrated culture, painstakingly built up over decades. [See my chapter on Infrastructure of belief]

As a result, soft tyranny ends in a complex battle waged on two fronts. To be clear, soft tyranny is not “soft per se;” its tyrannical power is just as tyrannical, just as powerful and just as unamenable to mere suggestion, as in overt tyranny. The complexity results from the smart sheepe being intertwined amidst unwitting victims who, at best, have no idea there is an enemy and, at worst, are actively aiding and abetting them.

Our two battle fronts again are to:

Expose deception. (Which requires truth and courage)

Confront the tyranny behind it (Which still requires truth and courage but eventually requires force). Force is simply and most profoundly, a “No.”

No, I won’t do x. No, I won’t comply. No, I won’t worship what you want me to worship. That is the force of your will pushing back against the tyrannical will. Mutiple “wills” add up. Multiple “wills” standing strong in unity, beget confrontation. But these wolves are not dumb. Rarely will they do this.

Herein lies the crux of the matter within a disquised or soft tyranny. They want to you walk through the sheepe gate, of their choosing, willingly, when asked. Oh, this will not be a simple request, it will be an urgent plea to come to safety amidst real mayhem, which they unquestionably have the power to produce. Saying “no” to the gate of safety having made preparations in advance will still be difficult, saying “no” without resilance will be close to impossible. They do not want to drag you in. The gate will shut resoundingly behind the scared and nervous sheepe who desire safety and security over all else.

While this might seem simplistic, I think its very important to define the battlefields.

The more people who recognize the deception the better we are.

We must daily rip back the curtain on the Wizard of Oz, and speak the truth over and over into the echo chamber of lies. The difficulty involved in waking others up to the deep deception and betrayal of our “Trusts” is substantial but not impossible. To do this we need much prayer and historical perspective.

Uncovering current corruption is NOT ENOUGH in a climate of antagonistic polarization, as is so commonly found, in fact, it is highly ineffective. One needs to be taken to the foundation of the house and literally shown the termite damage on vast portions of the entire intrastructure of democracy. There is no solvant so purifing, no smelling salts so bracing as the realization and exclaimation,—”Oh my God, they were doing the same things way back then.”

I spent the weekend reading The Roosevelt Myth, by John T. Fynn. This book is one of those cleansing agents. While I have been stunned many times before, it provided even more illumination on how we veered off the path and sparked ideas for the way forward.

There is no easy fix for a house afflicted in this manner. Likewise, traditional political solutions, that could have been used in the past, are a waste of time, a ridiculous cosmetic fix, like applying paint to termite invested wood and thinking that things are looking up.


End-stage tyranny, like a major termite infestation must be dealt with radically, as imminient collapse of the structure is possible, even controlled demolition by the wolves to hide their deeds. People need to be taken by the hand and led down into the basement to examine the beems and supporting structure themselves before it is too late.

The goal of Smartsheepe is to assist in this process anyway we can and to challenge others to take up the Smartsheepe challenge and use their personal means of influence for this imporatant task.

As regards the second battle I have a few more thoughts. [1]

One of the best known stories of all time, regarding confrontation with tyranny is the story of Exodus found in the Bible. Moses is asked to go to Pharaoh, head of the most powerful tyrannical system of the period and tell him to let the Hebrew people go, so they might worship and sacrifice to their God in the wilderness.

This request almost sounds as silly as Dr. Phillip’s request that I lampooned earlier except that “I am” the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob has heard the cries of the people and is spearheading the effort, Thus he appeared to Moses with promises of His power and authority underwriting what would have otherwise been little more than a fool’s errand.

The cries that ascended to the throne of God that moved God to launch operation Exodus? Slaughter of the innocents. This is what God heard and attended to before he called Moses. The male babies were being killed at birth, emasculating the society, to make them weak and servile.

What is happening to the male babies in America? While, not yet, wholesale slaughter, maleness as a concept has been targeted with extinction, masculinity is besmirched as “toxic,” while aggressive “trangender” and “gender fluidity” marketing is mainlined through the culture.

Infantacide- the elimination of male bodies is one thing; the wholesale elimination of the male spirit or the transendent concept of masculinity is quite beyond anything ever witnessed to destroy a culture and a people.

A wellspring of maternal compassion, does not at first seem like an essential pre-requisite to throwing off tyranny. And yet, God was moved at this crucial juncture by the distraught hearts of the mothers weeping for their baby boys.

Pharaoh, assured of his God-like status by the Eygptian system, was not happy about the request of slaves to gather around a competing animating principle, this so-called God of the Hebrews. Tyranny does not like competition especially one that can unite the people around a singular focus of devotion.

Doubling down, Pharoah makes the work harder for the slaves, beating the formen for not meeting work quotas and denouncing the people as lazy for wanting to worship. Tyrannical power holds fast to its prey and thus we should expect for our own journey.

God wages war on that tyranny exerting his dominence through the mediation of one man’s obedience, Moses. His ability to listen to the small still voice and obediently follow despite feelings of inadequacies, the possibility of rejection, failure and death is paramount.

His task is to speak what he hears God say and to refuse to be frightened by the power he sees before him. May we all be so bold.

[1] Inspired by the Exodus series organized by Jordan Peterson and the unique group of collegues who are deep diving this important book.

[2] Photo courtesy of a New Zealand sheep farmer who reached out to me via email- One of the Smart sheepe of the world tribe. God bless his farm, family and all his labors.


How to Defeat An Organized Movement of Sheepe


The Spider Web of Wall Street